S4 Publications
Publications are available through Amazon, IngramSpark, or RedShelf -- just click on the applicable link to start your order. Please make sure that you are ordering the most current publication.
California Laws Relating to Minors 2024 Edition
The “Red Book” is an essential reference guide for individuals who work with K-12 schools and juveniles. It is also utilized as a textbook in college and university programs. This publication contains more than 2,350 current California Code Sections, along with related Federal Laws and Administrative Guidelines, that relate to minors. Featured sections are drawn from the Education Code, Family Code, Health and Safety Code, Penal Code, and Welfare and Institutions Code. Subject areas include Enrollment, Attendance, Discipline, Health & Wellness, Pupil Records, Special Education, and much, much more! A one-of-a-kind publication, the “Red Book” also serves as a funding source for student scholarships. |
Legislative Update Guide: Student Support Services in California Schools 2024-2025
A compilation of over 95 newly enacted legislation related to student services. This year, impacted areas include equity and access, physical and mental health, data collection and reporting, student discipline, and safety. Policy and notification requirements are highlighted to assist with revisions and updates to procedures and practices. |
Student Discipline in California Schools 2025 Edition
This 331-page guide features easy-to-read guidelines and checklists, 32 sample forms and notices, and pertinent codes and regulations related to the suspension and expulsion process. Includes sections on the maintenance of discipline records, school enrollment and readmission of expelled students, data collection, discipline in charter schools, and school safety plans. |
Student Records in California Schools 2025
This 312-page guide features easy-to-read guidelines and checklists, 31 sample forms and notices, and pertinent codes and regulations related to the maintenance, disclosure, amendment, transfer, and destruction of student records. Includes guidance on records specifically related to school enrollment, health, students with disabilities, discipline, and more.